Centers and Institutes
About UCCS Centers and Institutes
At UCCS, we recognize that Centers and Institutes represent a valuable resource for expanding opportunities for student learning and for faculty research, leadership, and service. Please visit our Centers and Institutes (listed below) and consider how you can join our students and faculty to change lives, create, and innovate.
Our Centers
Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience
Empowering Human Resilience Through Scientific Discovery and Strength-Based Innovation
Center for the Study of Government and the Individual
Exploring the foundations of freedom
El Pomar Institute for Innovation and Commercialization
The El Pomar Institute for Innovation and Commercialization (EPIIC) assists creative individuals and organizations in transforming innovative ideas into economic opportunity.
The Matrix Center for the Advancement of Social Equity and Inclusion
Our mission is to examine and challenge systems of oppression and privilege in society, and implement effective solutions through comprehensive educational programming, literature, institutes, and workshops locally, nationally, and beyond.
Heller Center for Arts & Humanities
The Heller Center is vital to the arts, humanities, social sciences, and culture of the UCCS campus and the Pikes Peak region, providing creative space and collaborative programming for the community, students, and visiting artists and scholars.
Gerontology Center
Our primary goal is to support research and scholarship that seeks to understand the aging process and related experiences. To achieve this, we provide support to our faculty in their research endeavors, collaborate with the next generation of gerontologists, and offer resources for our community.
UCCS BioFrontiers
The UCCS BioFrontiers Center is devoted to collaborations between scientists across disciplines to advance biotechnology.
Simulation Center
The Simulation Center is dedicated to developing learner confidence and competent clinical judgment through the use of innovative technology and experiential education.
Center for Critical Sport Studies
The mission of the Center for Critical Sport Studies (CCSS) is to support high-quality teaching and learning and stimulating research focused on the critical study of sport.
Center for Research Frontiers in the Digital Humanities
Our center exists to unify the humanities and technology through expansive innovation, investigation, and collaboration.
The Center for the Study of Evangelicalism
The Center for the Study of Evangelicalism is a space for developing cutting-edge research on religious movements where scholarship is guided by the needs of our community.
Establishment and Review Process Policies
Pitch Process
Center Pitch: The Counseling, Coaching, Consulting & Relationship Enhancement Center, UCCS Center for Interprofessional Education: A Space to Learn, Research, and Collaborate, and UCCS Center for the Digital Humanities
Center Pitch: Center for Applied Geographic Information Science, UCCS Center for Evaluation and Policy Studies, and Center of the Arts and Research for the Environment